

Created by Rowan, Rook and Decard

Get your hands on a redesigned, reprinted edition of the pulp action worldbuilding RPG Unbound.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

November Update
over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 04:48:48 PM

Hello! Some news:

1. Unbound has gone to print! We've spent the last three days frantically getting the PDF ready to go, but it's all submitted and we're looking forward to hearing more news from our printers in Latvia.

2. We've updated the Backerkit with an new PDF that fixes the hyperlink issues in the contents page and fixes the issue where the Warrior Core art was mirrored and the writing on that dude's helmet was backwards. You should have received download links in your email inboxes.

3. We've uploaded the new file to Drivethru and for folks who've brought the previous edition on those platforms. We're still sorting out the distribution for Kickstarter backers through them, however, so please hang tight and we'll get that sorted soon.

4. We will upload the new PDF to our own website soon once we figure out the best way of redesigning the page to allow for physical sales whilst allowing previous purchasers the option to download the new PDF.

5. You should have a coupon for free shipping in our webstore downloadable through Backerkit - this code will work once with each account and entitle you to free delivery, in lieu of being able to do a big Backerkit where we offer all of our products in one big wedge. Please use it!

That's all for now. More when we know it!

- Grant

Surveys sent!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 02:14:46 AM

Your Backerkit survey email should be with you very soon! Once you get it and fill it out, you'll be able to download the new PDF right away.

If you have any issues with the download or survey process, drop us an email at [email protected] and we'll get you sorted out.


- Grant

What happens next
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 12:58:10 PM


1) We're setting up the Backerkit to keep track of your addresses; it's all submitted and we're waiting on their response. Once we've got their approval on the project, we'll send out surveys. Once you've filled out your survey, we'll send you the new PDF immediately.

2) You can get your PDF directly through Backerkit - or sent through DrivethruRPG, or, or the Rowan Rook and Decard website, or all of the above. Let us know when you answer the survey. That way you can make sure you have a copy to download whenever you want.

3) Print files have gone to the printer and we're waiting for proofs to come through from Latvia.

4) We're on track for books to be sent out in December. If this changes, we'll let you know.

5) We're using a very simple Backerkit setup this time around compared to the one for Heart - which offered every single product we sell. However! Kickstarter backers will get a free shipping coupon for our site, so they can purchase some extras without slowing things down massively with a very complicated Backerkit or having to pay for postage twice.

That's all for now - more when we know it.

- Grant 

We're done!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 04:45:28 PM

Thanks to all of you for backing!

We've got the final layout sorted and we'll distribute PDFs once the money has cleared. This process takes about two weeks.

We've secured time on the printing press with Livonia and we're scheduled to have everything ready to deliver in early December.

Once we've got some more news, we'll let you know what it is.


- Grant

Some clarifications on our system
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 10:23:07 AM

Following some light controversy in the comments section, I've updated the campaign description with some clarifications, and I'm reproducing and expanding them here in this update for transparency's sake. 

In short: you write on the playing cards as part of the game. 

When you go out of action in combat, you scar a card and write down what happened on it. (If it's an Ace, or it's already got a scar on it, it kills you.) From there on, that card's value is halved. There are four different types of scars, which range from long-term injuries and lost equipment to staggering realisations about your place in the universe.

When you achieve a Fate - one of the scenes or goals that you or the group have created ahead of time - then you note down what you've learned  and what's changed about you on the card. From there on, that card provides a Boost, which augments your actions in combat the same way as a Face card would.

The GM also writes Echoes on their deck, which reinforce the game's theme and provide prompts for their factions to take actions against the players.

The deck still functions as a standard deck of playing cards afterwards (we cut out the rule where players tore up a card when it was scarred because it felt unpleasant to tear up cards) and, we hope, the customised nature of it provides a memory of that character. 

If you'd rather not write on cards, we provide a few different methods of getting around it in the rulebook which range from rules tweaks to advice on buying deck protectors. Personally, we use Bicycle playing cards (which work out at about £1 a pack if you buy a box of them), which provide a nice balance between economy and quality.

That's all for now. Thanks for your support this far!

- Grant